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Thursday, 26 January 2012

I wondered all the time..
What life is,
Why are we here,
Why do we long for things we do not have..

Some moments came
And cleared the mist..
Showered fragrances of happiness,
Flowers called friends,
And Rain called loved ones…

Filled the heart with something..
Something so fulfilling,
Again I wondered..
What this feeling is?

It doesn’t lie in what you long for
Even when you're in the darkest of moods
An innocent child's smile,
Your pals headless joke..
Or a phone call from someone you love!

Can lighten up everything with vibrant sunshine..

This is it..
This feeling is happiness!!
Live life..Love life..
Don’t deter..Storms come and go..
They should just be a reason for you to come clean..
But never wash away your happiness with them..

& Paint the canvas of your life..
With colors of your heart :)


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